Baby Cejka #3 is a...


I’m sure by now you have seen on our social media platforms, BUT…. Baby Cejka #3 is a Girl! We are so excited and a little scared honestly. I know all things boys at this point so I’m not quite sure what I’ll do with a girl, but our little Arabella is coming November 2022! 🥰️

Parker was ecstatic to find out he was getting a baby sister! I was in shock and not sure I’ll fully believe it until she’s born LOL.

Thank you to everyone that has reached out we feel so loved! I cannot wait to take you all along on the journey.

If you want to peep our complete announcement you can see it below. It recaps all three of our announcements. 💙💙💗

Baby Announcement Video


Look of the Day | Simple Patriotic


Look of the Day | Natural, but Glam!