Here We Grow Again! The Cejka Family’s Exciting News!

Here we grow one final time! Cejka Family is officially becoming a party of six and we are so excited! We can’t wait to welcome our fourth and final baby.

It's been quite a journey - from unexplained secondary infertility, halfway through IVF, to a spontaneous pregnancy. Our tale has been a whirlwind, but all in God's perfect timing!

Highlights of This Pregnancy Thus Far

  1. No More C-Sections:

    • I’m thrilled that this will be the last time I have to undergo a c-section! While the actual surgery isn’t horrible for me, the dreadful sensation of my blood pressure plummeting and me almost passing out from anesthesia is a hard pass.

  2. Settled In Our Home:

    • Unlike previous pregnancies, we won't be moving before, during, or after this time. Halleluiah! We are finally settled in our home, which feels like a huge relief! So that is one less stresser for this final go around.

Looking Forward

One thing I'm eager to do once baby number 4 arrives? Finally clear out all the extra baby stuff I've held onto for years, just in case! 😄 It’s going to be super surreal to pass it on. I by no means want to rush the newborn phase, but how wild this will be the last newborn for us.

Thank you all for sharing in our joy and excitement! We can't wait to continue this journey with you all. Stay tuned for more updates as we prepare to welcome our newest family member.

Our Current Three


Look of the Day | Dahlia Divine Natural, Quick Makeup


Look of the Day | Orchid opulence Collection