Top 5 Selling LipSense Glosses for 2021


We cannot chat about the top selling LipSense lip colors without also mentioning the top selling glosses since they go together like peanut butter and jelly! 😜

If you are new to LipSense by SeneGence each liquid lip color is topped by one of our glosses. This seals in the color, assists your color with lasting all day, and they hydrate and moisturize your lips. Our glosses are amazing and can be worn on their own or on top of any shade of LipSense to give it a little extra tint.

Okay, so now you know WHY they are so amazing let’s chat which colors made the top 5 for the company! I will give an honorable mention to Sand Gloss because that is a Fifteen Hats client fave.



Pearl Gloss made the list and will give a very subtle pearlescent sheen to any lip color! It has a glossy texture to it and just adds a little something extra to your natural lips. Wear it on its own or ontop of your favorite LipSense shade.


Bougainvillea Gloss

Oh B. Gloss you are so loved! This gloss is a crowd pleaser for sure. It is easily in my personal top selling glosses as it looks fabulous on everyone and is so versatile with needing a tint for your lips on the go or jazzing up your favorite lip color. Bougainvillea gloss has a pink-red tint with a shimmering glossy finish. My non-LipSense wearers LOVE this gloss because it is just a touch more than your natural lip without going overboard.


Madeleine Gloss

Madeleine Gloss is a subtle, glossy mauve-pink shade without any shimmer or glitter. Similar to B. Gloss, this is perfect for a quick lip color on-the-go. This former limited edition gloss was so wildly popular they brought it to the permanent color lineup! If you need something quick for in your purse then this is the gloss for you. 😜


Matte Gloss

Where are my matte lip lovers? If that is you then matte gloss is going to be your jam! I know a ‘matte gloss’ seems like an oxymoron, but remember all of our glosses are formulated to work with our LipSense shades. Matte gloss keeps your lips hydrated and healthy while sealing in your favorite LipSense color and providing a satin matte finish. We also have satin matte tinted glosses, but Matte gloss is the O.G.!


Glossy Gloss

And in the number one spot is my personal fave, Glossy Gloss! This is my go to when topping my LipSense colors. It is a clear glossy texture, hence the name, but it is super moisturizing feels the best to me. It is also the gloss you normally start with when getting your starter collection as a new client (Lip Color, Gloss, Ooops! Remover).

If you are looking to change up your long-lasting LipSense collection, try adding a tinted gloss! Did your favorite gloss make the list?


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