Update on our Unexplained Secondary Infertility


A Lot Has Happened

Back in March I decided to share our journey on trying to conceive our second child. It was a very difficult journey and we were struggling with unexplained secondary infertility. To catch up on the initial post I made you can read all about it here.

Fast forward to January 2021 and we are currently days away from our second baby!

Where I Left You

When I last posted about this we were waiting to visit the doctor for another blood draw and ultrasound to see how things were progressing and to see if my meds needed to be altered.

None of the shots hurt, but the Ganirelix I think it was caused a little agitation on my skin, but nothing you couldn’t easily deal with. I did have a slight case of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) which is when your ovaries swell and leak fluid into the body. Since my symptoms were not extreme I had to take a medicine for several days after my egg retrieval and monitor myself for symptoms that would need me to go to the hospital immediately. Some of those symptoms are abdominal bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tenderness in your ovaries etc. If you are going through IVF or fertility treatments make sure you discuss what to look out for with your doctor.

How It Worked Out

After all was said and done with my shots we went through the process of the egg retrieval in late February, early March, and had 16 eggs retrieved. From those, they were fertilized, and then we waited the torturous 5 days to see how they would progress and grow into healthy embryos. We ended up with 5 embryos that were in good condition and they were frozen for our upcoming transfer.

Then if you remember in March 2020 the world came to a crashing halt with COVID-19 and our doctor’s office was shut down the week we were scheduled for our first transfer and I was DEVASTATED to say the least! I understood with the virus going around, but it didn’t make it any easier because I knew that would delay us another month on trying for our second with assistance. Then April rolls around and my cycle starts, but our clinic didn’t open until 2 days after so another cycle missed.😭 I knew that FINALLY I’d be able to try in May so I impatiently waited for my cycle start date to roll around.

So if you have experienced any sort of fertility issues or maybe you have just been on your initial journey to get pregnant, you know that pregnancy tests laying around are not in short supply. We had a stack we ordered from Amazon that were going to expire in a few months so we were joking around and I decided to take a test. We 100% were not expecting anything because we were mentally ready, and excited, to go in for our transfer that following week! So I took the test and there wasn’t anything there and I could see the disappointment on my husbands face. However, 5 minutes went by and I did a double look to verify (because you never know) and y’all there was the most faint second line I thought I was going to lose it. It felt like a sick joke on Mother’s Day because it surely couldn’t be true. I think I took about 30 more tests that week until my husband finally said, “YOU NEED TO CALL THE DOCTOR.”

I went to my fertility clinic and they monitored me for the first several weeks and everything was progressing nicely. So now here we are at almost 39 weeks pregnant with our second son and it was the biggest blessing that could have ever come about. We still aren’t sure what happened after trying to get pregnant so hard for years, but at this point we are not questioning what happened. Our doctor said it happens more than you think, but who knows! Maybe it was the extra Vitamin D he had me on, maybe it was the egg retrieval, maybe it was that my husband was at home more and less stressed without the commute to work, we will never know, but God is good.

Now on to our next chapter and trying for a VBAC!


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