Winter Skincare | Top 5 Tips


Winter is coming, or rather already here! During winter there are some pesky skin issues that seem to appear like flakiness and itchiness. Generally during this time of year I have clients asking what they can do to help their skin through the winter months and below are five quick tips you can use to help your skin survive the winter!

Tip 1: Use a Gentle, Detergent-Free or Mild Detergent Cleanser

Okay, this is really a tip for year round. Using cleansers that contain harsh detergents actually strip your skin of its natural oils. When your skin is stripped of its natural oils it can cause agitation and/or cause your skin to overproduce oil to make up for the stripped oils. Either way can lead to unwanted skin issues like dryness, redness, and acne. When you use a detergent-free or mild detergent product you can effectively remove dirt and oil where needed without completely stripping the skin.

SeneGence’s 3-in-1 Cleansers are formulated with your specific skin type in mind, dry, normal to dry, normal to oily, or oily to acne. Each contain the finest ingredients nature and technology have to offer. They are suds-free cleansers designed to cleanse, tone, and exfoliate in one step. Each cleanser assists with maintaining the proper moisture content and restores the skin’s proper pH balance to prepare your skin for the rest of your skincare.

Tip 2: Modify Your Skincare Routine

Listening to your skin through different seasons is important, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to change your entire skincare line. Of course there are situations where this might be true, but on a regular basis you likely need to modify or adjust your skincare regimen.

For example, I use SeneGence’s SeneDerm Normal to Oily skincare line all year with several other moisturizing products. During the winter months if I am feeling a little extra dry (that can happen to us oily ladies too 😜) I will add in SeneGence’s Nangai Oil for some extra moisture. This product can be applied to my skin directly or mixed in with my evening moisturizer. It feels AMAZINGGG!

So listen to your skin, but don’t change up your entire line!

Tip 3: Moisturize Frequently

No matter your skin type you want to make sure you are moisturizing your skin regularly. With our moisturizers being specifically formulated to your skin type you want to make sure you are applying them morning and evening after using your 3-in-1 cleanser. However, sometimes your skin wants a little extra love during the winter and that is where Hydrating Facial Mist comes into play!

Hydrating Facial Mist is perfect to toss in your purse to give your face the moisturizing refresh it needs throughout the day. This product has ingredients to help pull in moisture to your skin, but if used with SeneGence cosmetics it won’t allow your makeup to budge! Added bonus is it is rich in vitamins A, C, and E to help tighten the appearance of pores and protect from environmental elements.

Now that we have covered moisturizing the skin on your face don’t forget about your hands! Your hands are actually one of the first places to show your age. During the winter your hands take a beating from lack of wearing gloves, hand washing, touching papers, etc. all of which pull moisture from your hands. Both of our hand creams can assist with giving your hands the extra moisture love they need.

Tip 4: Watch Your Temps

This tip is one of the hardest for me because I’m a chronic hot water user and I don’t like to be cold! In the shower, and when washing your face, you want to be sure to use luke warm water as too hot of water can dry out your skin and too cold can actually close up your pores to not allow your skin to absorb your skin care products properly. A great way to know if the water is too hot is if it is turning your skin red then it is too hot.

Did you know the suggested temperature to keep your house at is actually 68-72 degrees? BRRRRR, am I right? However, having the heat cranked up high actually dries out your skin.

Tip 5: Humidify & Hydrate

Our last tip is to make sure you are hydrating and keep a humidifier running. I don’t need to list all the reasons for drinking the proper amount of daily water, but it really does make a difference to your skin.

Having a humidifier running in your home, or at work, is great to add moisture to the air because during the winter the moisture content in the air decreases. Here is a link (affiliated) to the new humidifier we just got for our home that has really been working well.

Bonus Tip: Use Sunscreen Year Round

I couldn’t end this post without sharing you need to keep wearing your sunscreen even though it is winter! I mean winter looks a little different depending on where you live, but sunscreen is always important. From a Florida winter where the sun is out 24-7 to a grey, overcast, snowy day in IL, sunscreen protection is needed as the sun permeates through the clouds. Plus, sun rays actually reflect off snow on the ground similar to how they reflect off water at the beach. Sunscreen year round is a must!

I hope these 5 tips, plus one extra bonus tip, helped you on your winter skincare journey. If you have any additional questions about your skin I’d love to chat with you! Send me a text message at 224-788-0597 or email me at and let’s figure out what your skin needs. :)


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